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- Object Created by: Aaron Smith aarons@open.org
- Object Creation Date: June 97, Lightwave 5.0
- Object Name: Ktronic.lwo
- Object Description: Keytronic Lifetime Series PC keyboard
- Object Stats: 13714 Points, 6083 Polygons
- Surfaces: Polygons
- Keytronic_Keyfaces 1764
- Keytronic_Keysides 4216
- Keytronic_Shell 87
- Keytronic_Logo 3
- Keytronic_Leds 3
- Keytronic_TrayBackground 10
- Image Maps:
- KT_Logo.iff 978x288 4bpp 143k
- KT_Keys.iff 4670x1318 1bpp 770k
- Object Creation Synopsis:
- First, thanks for taking notice of my model and second for reading this text
- file. The keyboard is pretty much to scale, at least as close as I could
- get with a basic ruler. I must admit I thought this would be a whole lot
- easier that it actually was. First I started with the basic box shape of the
- whole keyboard, then starting with the escape key "square" polygon, I rounded
- the corners using points from sections of disc objects. I then used the bevel
- tool to extrude and enlarge the bottom of the key at the same time. To
- create the concave shape in the keys I created an extruded disc "oval shaped"
- object and used it to perform a boolean subtract from the top of the key.
- Almost all of the other keys are either copies of this key or modified
- versions of it such as the caps lock and shift keys. Once I had almost all
- of the keys in place I realized something didn't quite look right, The key
- tops were too flat, they didn't have that stair step look to them, especially
- after bending the whole keyboard into its slight curved shape. So I used the
- rotate function on the key tops and gave it that finishing touch it needed.
- I used the triple function to take care of a few non-planer polygons and then
- performed a polygon reduction routine shaving off about 2000 polygons. The
- image maps were created in Photoshop and Corel Draw. The Logo/Led was created
- in Photoshop, I was going to have each led have it's own ability to be either
- on or off but ended up using the Keytronic_Leds surface as part of the
- template instead. You can't actually turn off any of the Leds from the surface
- menu, they are part of the KT_Logo image map. The key faces were created in
- Corel Draw. Using the camera zoom to "flatten" out the keyboard keys I used
- this image as a background template in Corel Draw to place the letters and
- symbols. I used Corel because I could use guides and move the text as objects,
- once I had the letters all lined up I used the export to bitmap feature that
- allows for custom settings on the dpi of the image created. I created the
- KT_Keys bitmap at 100 dpi 1bpp so I could use the negative alpha of it to
- just let the color of the keyface surface show through. Automatic sizing
- of the image maps worked great, especially for the KT_Logo image but the
- KT_Keys I adjusted the Texture Center X and Z settings to -.0056 and .072
- respectfully. I didn't add the elevation feet on the keyboard but did move
- the pivot point so that it is easier to "tilt" the keyboard using pitch
- setting of -10.
- This model isn't exactly earth shattering or particularly difficult to make,
- just labor intensive. If you find it of value or have any helpful input
- as to improving my modeling technique feel free to email me.
- Until next time
- Aaron Smith
- aarons@open.org
- 956 Commercial St. S.E.
- Salem, Oregon 97302